took place on 11th October 2017

Zebra Tower, Warsaw


CSR – Youth is a new initiative that is part of an international project run together with partners from India, Philippines and the United Kingdom.

We focus on improving of the quality of management in organisations working with youth in Europe and Asia by supporting actions targeted on youth within CSR strategies.



During the conference will be presented businesses that focus on youth in their work. Also non-profit organisations will have an opportunity to learn about possibilities of using business resources.



Our experience so far in working  with young people showed that these are entrepreneurial and creative individuals who do not have enough knowledge or opportunities to realise their idea, implement a project, find the perfect job or set up a start-up.


Target group of the event are representatives of businesses that practice corporate social responsibility policy and non-profit organisations that have direct contact with young people and their needs. Natural target group are also representatives of other environments, like government organisations, student organisations and representatives of the academic sector.

The idea behind the conference is to create a friendly environment to start a relationship between non-profit organisations, business and by that also youth and contribute to a positive change. We hope to begin a long-term and beneficial for both sites cooperation.


Sesja nr 1 - Kultura CSR w Europie i Azji


(simultaneous translation)

General topic

This session gives the audience an overview of the CSR culture in European context and Asian context with particular focus on  programs oriented on youth.


Gurunandan Rao M

Senior officer, Corporate Social Responsibility, Robert Bosch engineering and business solutions Pvt Ltd (RBEI), Bosch India

CSR culture in India: Sustainable volunteering as one of the practices of Bosch India

CSR endeavours of Bosch India, known as ‘Bosch Social Engagement’, aim to make a difference in the communities in which Bosch operates and focuses on sustainability. During the presentation our guest will share his experience on working with volunteers from 150 departments of Bosch India through Leadership Development Program.


Rior Santos

United Nations Volunteer Programme Officer in Thailand; President of Institute for Global Education (IGEEI)

Social Innovations and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Asia-Pacific towards Sustainable Development Goals

The presentation will focus on the emerging trends of social innovations, enterprises and entrepreneurships Ecosystem in Asia- Pacific. The opportunities and challenges in Asia-Pacific provide window for innovative partnerships between the public and the private sector. So how we can take advantage of these? It will also provide clear examples and practices happening from the ground and explore the Asia-Europe dimensions through the recently adopted global agreement called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Rene G. Pizarro

Senior Vice President, Hyundai Asia Resource, Inc. (HARI-Foundation)

Learning from corporate foundations and their strategic responses to socially responsible demands

The presentation will focus on private and public partnership for development. The Hyundai Global Commitments through local partnership and groundbreaking initiatives in the Philippines provide clear examples and benchmark of unique and innovative partnership for youth empowerment and development.

Session 2. CSR and migration - debate


(simultaneous translation)

Panel Discussion: Are businesses and governments prepared for economic migration to Europe?

This session explores the roles that businesses and the public sector have in upholding the human rights of migrant workers at the workplace, and along the supply chain, as well as the state of readiness for both sectors to assume these roles.

Some of the key discussion points are:

  • How do migrants contribute to national economic development?
  • What are the biggest challenges that immigrants have to face when they look for a job (e.g. legal obstacles, access to social protection services, etc.)?
  • What is the role of business (and government) in socially integrating immigrant in the labour force?
  • How can businesses and governments promote cultural diversity and tolerance at the work place and in society?
  • What are the challenges that businesses and governments face in protecting the rights of migrants?


Iris Caluag

Plan International

Iris Caluag manages regional programs implemented by Plan and its partners in 13 countries in Asia, and nurtures and builds relationships with regional development agencies and private sector actors. She is currently managing Plan International’s SEAS of Change project, which aims to enhance the standard of living of Cambodian migrants, particularly children and young people, in the fishing industry in Thailand.


Jacqueline Kacprzak

Ministry of Economic Development, Poland

Gustavo Meixner

Spanish & Portuguese Training Centre, UK

Paulina Adamczak

Association for Legal Intervention

Agnieszka Mikulska-Jolles

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

Janina Owczarek

International Organization for Migration

Kamil Wyszkowski

UN Global Compact Network Poland

Session 3. Supporting youth on the labour market through CSR actions


(session in Polish)

General topic

Starting point for the discussion is the assumption of the necessity of three-sector cooperation. Business as a sector that creates working places and professional practice opportunities for young people and public sector as the supporting one by its programs. NGOs as a partner that offers advices and connects other sectors.


Paulina Bednarz

Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play

Employer Branding – does social responsibility have influence on the choice of employer?

Youth oriented CSR – best practices

  • The role of NGOs on labour market.
  • How NGOs can use business resources?
  • Is there a need for cooperation between NGOs and business?

Anna Skocz

Stowarzyszenie Semper Avanti

Piotr Kolera

Coca Cola HBC

Izabela Szczurska


Joanna Gosiewska-Giralt

Fundacja Program Pomocy Pierwsza Praca

Adam Niemkiewicz

Stowarzyszenie Morena

Examples of EU projects that during their implementation involve business to take action


CSR Night

The culmination of the conference was “CSR Night”, a networking activity that brings together all the participants, including speakers and representatives of business and non-profit organisations to meet and discover how they could work together in the future.


The conference is organized by 4 organisations that decided to conduct this pioneer initiative oriented on youth

Autokreacja Foundation


Autokreacja for years carries out social projects that contribute to stronger cooperation between the third sector, public administration and business. It connects not only people, but also institutions that have common goal. That is why Autokreacja developed partnerships with many organisations in Poland and in the world, creating a network of institutions actively engaged in development of civil society.

Indo-American Refugee and Migrant Organization

Field Services & Inter-Cultural Learning

Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly



Our experience so far in working  with young people showed that these are entrepreneurial and creative individuals who do not have enough knowledge or opportunities to realise their idea, implement a project, find the perfect job or set up a start-up.