CSR-Youth is a new initiative that is part of an international project coordinated by Autokreacja Foundation and carried out jointly with partners from India, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. It assumes the improvement of the quality of management in organizations working with youth in Europe and Asia, among others by supporting activities directed to young people as part of the CSR strategy.
What makes us different?
- We act as a social partner,
- We have a network of international contacts, including organizations that practice NGO-Business cooperation,
- We have experience in cooperation with partners from Europe and Asia,
- We are developing quickly – we are involved in new projects, we create new initiatives – we focus on working with young people, social entrepreneurship and CSR,
- We see the need for cooperation between ngo and business for the development of social capital.

Katarzyna Luczak
She cooperates with business, writes and implements high quality social projects based on three-sector cooperation. At the moment she runs a project with Asian countries, such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, India.

Iris works with a team of youth employment professionals in Plan International Asia as Youth Employment Solutions Associate. She manages regional programs implemented by Plan and builds relationships with regional development agencies and private sector actors. She brings in 5 years of experience in project management, business development, and youth engagement to the field of youth employment and decent work.

Maria Romero
Maria has a diverse experience in the charity sector and currently is working as a volunteer in the finance department at Indoamerican Refugee Migrant Organisation (IRMO), a community-led organisation that provides Latin American migrants with tools and information to build fulfilled, independent, and integrated lives in the UK.